Friday, April 22, 2005


Ah yes. Today. Well. Today has been a nice day. The day started early. The alarm clock went off at 5:50 AM, but we didn't get out of bed until 7. (I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I think everything's gonna be alright, that we're back together, that we're happy again. Well, not really. Mindy felt sorry for me last night for not knowing exactly how to get the Q's place on the bus at 2 in the morning, so she invited me back to the apartment. It was a plutonic nap. But damn it if it doesn't feel nice to lay next to someone you love. False hope? Maybe. Instant gratification? Damn striaght.)

I couldn't fall back asleep this morning. I didn't want to anyway. I jumped out of bed, fed the cat, and washed my face. You had to go to work, which you dreaded immensely. Some day you'll get that long nap you've always wanted, but for now, there are puppies and kitties to be saved. We walked to where the trains picked up and said our good byes for the day. It was sweet. I mossied my way to a coffee shop, picked up a mocha, and walked back to the apartment. I've been working on a design for an armband tattoo lately, which I may get tomorrow, so I continued my drawing while quasi-watching the movie "Snatch". God Damn Brad Pitt is sexy in that movie. Not sexy in the "hey I'm Brad Pitt; look at me" sexy, no, he's sexy in the "I'm a dirty Pikee who'll always be better than you" sexy. I couldn't help myself feeling insecure about my non-existent stomach muscles. So I did what any insecure man would do: sit-ups.

Around 10 o'clock I walked to Haight Street to ponder stuff. Very pensive I was. No shops open in that neighborhood until 11 AM, so I sat down with my book "Thus spoke Zarathustra" for an hour. I realized I'd been wearing the same pair of pants for a few days now and decided to go pants shopping when the stores opened. The only two stores I looked in were buffalo exchange and crossroads. I was very pessimistic about prospects for a new pair of shiny pants. I'm no good at shopping. However I did find a sweatshirt and leg warmers. God I love leg warmers. The leg warmers fit snug as a bug on my arms. Mmmm....Anyway, I was almost running late for lunch so I walked over to meet Lauren.

Walking over the Lauren's house was a bore. So I decided to do some cartwheels on the sidewalk. An innocent gesture of fun. However, while in mid cartwheel, a white van pulled next to me as 3 men shouted "FRUITCAKE!" I thought it was funny. They did not.

Lunch was yummy. It was vegetarian chicken tofuy stuff. Lauren is a nice girl. Her boyfriend was upset with her last week for being too attracted to him, but that blew over and now their relationship is burning brightly. (Ugh, I really use some shitty metaphors.) The restaurant was close by to your work, so I thought long and hard about bringing you Vegetarian Wan Ton soup. Oh how I wanted to give you this bowl of yumminess. But then I thought, maybe I shouldn't. Maybe she will be getting Gyros and French fries today. Maybe I would somehow embarrass her if I showed up at her work. So I didn't get the soup. I hate my mind sometimes. I think too long and hard about the unimportant things in life.

We took the train to the museum of modern art, which just happens to be right next to my work. The art I always enjoy the permanent collection in museums better than the contemporary crap that's being put out there. It seems, to me, that the gap between modern art and postmodern art is too expansive, that there is no way to connect the dots anymore. One artist, who I really enjoyed, was Marilyn Minter. Her paintings were, to say the least, amazing. The works were based on imperfections of visceral images concerning the figure, mainly focusing on ambiguous close up shots of the models. You should check out her work.

Then I came to work early and took a nap on the couch in the break room. I didn't sleep deeply, feeling awkward to be lying in a room by myself at work, where anyone could have walked in and drawn penis' on my forehead. But, lucky for me, no one did, and I made it through the day, so far, without a penis on my head.


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