Sunday, July 25, 2004

car poem

I've laughed aloud at the cars passing by
All drivers driving in unison
Their cars stand still from claustrophobic stares and hateful glares

Get away from my car suckka
Or I'll hit ya
With my car
Then their hearts crash and burn
Because a left turn
Becomes a crash site
Like fire works on your way to work

Oh no you didn't
You woke the kids mother fucker
There're babies on board
My sleeping kids in the back seat
Who were once at peace
Fall to pieces
And seem to scream until their lungs turn green
Which compliments the blood stains on the front windscreen

You might want to help us
We're helpless
And mommy's been away for years
She won't be here
To pick up the broken pieces of
So please daddy
Unbuckle your belt and pull your head from out of that glass
It's time to act fast
Quit playing Daddy
This is serious stuff
I'm hungry and sis needs her baby bottle
These flashing lights hurt my eyes
But to my child's surprise
Daddy didn't

Yeah I've laughed
At those silly cars that pass by
The death traps which smog the sky
Causing congestive buildup on our crowded streets
Where driver's tend to have lead in their
Foreshadowing fatal mishaps bound to happen
If you laugh too hard
While driving your car

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